YLHS Aquatics

***Volunteers Needed***


We need parent and student volunteers to work at the
snack shack and run the score table during home games.

Student Volunteer Signup:  Click Here!

Parent Volunteer Signup:  Click Here!

The snack shack is a great way to earn money for the aquatics club and many come to the games hunger and thirsty so it is very important we have a snack shack for each home game.   If we can have a parent from each level signed up each day then you can rotate and watch your son/daughter play. If your son/daughter plays Frosh/Soph - sign up as a Frosh/Soph parent, if your son/daughter plays JV - sign up as JV parent, if your son/daughter plays varsity - sign up as a varsity parent. The games are usually F/S 3:15 - 4:00, V 4:00 - 4:45, JV 4:45 - 5:30. During Swim Season you can sign up any time and easily step away to watch your athlete swim.

If you have a teenager that would like to earn service hours we are happy to have them participate as well. The only stipulation is that an adult must handle all money.

Looking forward to a great season!
Thank you.